Sunday, 25 April 2010


Touchdown! Sydney. Now for the "reverse culture shock." Denise and Jonathan have been kind enough to let us ease into the day through their house.

I cried on the plane as we took off from Osaka. It has been such an eventful, hectic two years, I would never take it back. Osaka has been so good to us, and if we were in slightly different circumstances, I would never want to leave. But as it stands, I can never have the job I would want to have in Japan without being a totally different person. So back to Australia, hopefully to find a better balance.

5 days in Sydney, then off we go to Hobart to try and amass the collection of crap that we own, then head on to Melbourne. Will it be one month or six, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's definite.

More news soon...

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