I've been trying to come up with some excellent Mum friendly activities (no trips to Bar Konton, methinks), but I just have to remind myself that the competent, well-organised bones in my body are most likely inherited from my Mum, I can probably rest assured that she could look after herself pretty damn well if it comes to it.

Tom got tonsillitis not but last week, which was accompanied with a roaring fever that I though might have been H1N1. Went to the hospital, was masked, isolated, tested, and negative. Tonsils were the size of golfballs, mind you. However, he's shrugged it off pretty well this time and is back at work, and singing with his dulcet tones. It's had him pretty down, the continuous sickness, and I feel like I've run out of ideas as to what to do. My bedside manner has pretty much been reduced to an incredulous "again?" Which is just terrible. Anyway, we've resolved to shove vitamins down his neck each morning, keep away from mad partying, rest, eat well, exercise, that kind of malarky... if that doesn't help, I don't know what will.
Also in the next couple of weeks I have a date with destiny: Zeni Geva are playing in Kyoto and I have reserved tickets. Very pumped!
Lastly but not leastly, our gig is on the 13th of September (the day before my Mum arrives) so we're training like mad up to our deadline... which brings me to what I'm gonna do now: drum practice waits for no woman! And double kicks require daily maintenance or they slip away.
Love to you all, thank you to Colin for the comment about the TB. I had heard similar stuff from my students about the Shin-Sekai area. I don't know exactly what kind of proximity to homeless dudes is required to be put at risk, but there's no denying there's a few of them about. About those emails, cards, postcards and letters that you all haven't sent - the phone calls you haven't made: we'd love to hear from you. No really.
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