Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Keeping spirits up...

Since receiving the new schedule, I don`t feel quite right. I`ve been a skittish bag of nerves rather than my usual self. I am really starting to feel jealous of people who have a normal life and don`t have these constant upheavals to deal with all the time. Tom and I have been doing our best not to let it get to us too badly. This has involved avoiding the topic of schedules (or ECC generally) in conversation, and indulging in healthy diversions whenever possible.

Tomorrow we are planning to go to the sumo:
Sumo Tournament Homepage (English)

Last Thursday we went for a walk over a mountain in Nara:
Kasuga Yama

On Friday, our neighbourhood got a bit kookier than usual, which is saying something, because kooky is our neighourhood`s bag:
Den-Den Town Street Festival

In other news, we have booked our honeymoon. Phuket in Golden Week! I`m so excited. I will have to purchase swimwear... I have nothing suitable to wear for a beach/lounging affair like this! I may also need to do a few sit ups to tone up prior to attempting such stomach revealing activities.

The marriage paperwork will be done on the 21st or 22nd of April (depending on the availability of our translator, the lovely, gracious, June Iwatsuki Tanaka) and Krista will be helping out as our Best Man/witness. I`m really looking forward to having everything sorted, formalised... all marriage-ified.

The road trip with Krista before she goes back to The States... we still haven`t decided where we are going... we might be off to Hiroshima, or Wakayama/Mie, or perhaps even Kamakura... we`re going to decide when we`re at the sumo.

Lots of diversions, lots of keeping busy, lots of working on the music projects, and hopefully we will have lots of wonderful news and lots to show for our troubles.

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