But I really can't be bothered going into too much detail, so I've decided to write some dot points.
- Tom's got a job now. It's an admin support role. It pays well enough and it's for 6 months, so we're pretty stable.
- I finished my first contract/trial period for the Executive Assistant role. I'm now doing a 6 week contract as a Policy Officer in a different work unit of the same department. After I finish that, I'll go back to the Executive Assistant role. I'm feeling pretty blessed and happy, because I got to have the opportunity to do something more challenging, but I also get the security of going back to my old job. Life is good.
- That said, both Tom and I find our admin roles pretty annoying. People do not treat their admin support staff very well a lot of the time, and take the piss asking you to do things that they really shouldn't ask you to do.
- We both got through to the shortlist from the Victorian Public Service Graduate Intake Scheme. Very pleased with ourselves, and we hope to be employed full-time as a grad by next year. If not, it's back to the job hunt for me.
- Mixing for Vermin to the Earth is completed. We're just waiting for Arts Victoria to get back to us about a grant we went for to help us pay for the mastering process. I hope we get the grant, because it will give us an opportunity to put together a very cool package for the next album, and get some new promo photos done and ask Janssen to make us another one of his awesome film clips. If we get the grant, we will be mastering in July. If we find out we didn't get the grant, we'll master sooner.
- We played a show at Bar Open. The show was OK, I suppose, but not one of our greatest. Just felt like the wrong vibe for us that evening. I think it might just be better if we kept our focus on doing one or two good shows rather than doing lots of shows.
- I have booked the venue for a Sydney show with Creeping and Erebus Enthroned. We're thinking of adding one other to the bill. It's going to be rad, and I'll start promoting it as heavily as I can as soon as I have the Melbourne show sorted out (which is proving to be a bit more difficult to sell our pulling power to potential venues).
- Black Jesus and Thrall show in Tassie at the Brisbane. Will announce that shortly too.
- We have some labels in mind for Vermin to the Earth. Shan't say too much, but it's going to be gooooooood!
Everything else
- When we drove back from Sydney after that 40Âșc day, the car sprung an oil leak. I topped up the engine oil on the drive back. What I didn't realise was that it wasn't the oil wasn't coming from the engine. It was coming from the gearbox. The other day the car just fucked out and wouldn't go into gear. Had to get towed. Need a new gearbox now. Expensive times...
- I cut my arm on the edge of a mirror in the bathroom and had to have stitches. Don't worry, it's healed well, the stitches came out last week, and it was not near any nerves or major arteries or veins or anything. So, all in all, it was merely expensive. And just when I didn't need any more expenses.
- I bought Tom a dolphin swim for his birthday, because it was the most rare and unusual gift I could think of. I also got him the Hellhammer/Celtic Frost book "Only Death Is Real" because I'm a real nice wife.
- Tom got some new jeans and they look really good on him.
OK, can't be bothered writing more. Tune in next time for the continued adventures of T + E...