So, we made it. Got off the plane at 9:30, fingerprinted and photographed, and thrown out on to the Nankai line. We arrived at our house by midnight. It didn't match the photos, but by this point we were so tired we just wanted somewhere, nay, anywhere, to put our heads down to rest.
We registered our details as aliens at the local Sumiyoshi Ward Office on the first morning. We bought some bikes on the second morning. We had a phone by the third morning. We managed to get our internet on in under a month. Things are traveling along - not without their frustrations - but they are traveling along.
It is hot. We are in the middle of the longest hot spell that Osaka has experienced in years. It gets close to 40Âșc during the day, and doesn't cool down much at night. The humidity hits you in the face like a warm putrid slap every time you leave the house. I'm looking forward to Autumn with ever increasing enthusiasm.
We have done some sightseeing, and I will go into that in more detail later, but for now, let it be known that we are in Osaka, and that we still love each other, and maybe we'll grow to love Osaka... but that will probably happen when it cools down a bit.