...two steps backward.
I'm currently 'between jobs' and so, my new found leisure time allows me the chance to give you all an update on where we are now. It's been really frustrating for me, employment wise, up here. I've been given about 6 completely inappropriate jobs for someone of my background and qualifications, and all of the appropriate jobs I have applied for, I'm still waiting to hear back about them. It's driving me crazy.
Brisbane's a weird town. Beautiful ferns and palms burst through the pavement and line the train tracks. I think the vigor of tropical growth is reflected in the economy up here. The resources boom has made this town fat with wealth. The average wage seems higher up here, and it's a full employment town if you're looking in the right sector (ie: if you happen to want to be a corporate receptionist). There's fantastic shopping up here. Designer outlets, a big fat DFO near the airport, and the monster that is the kilometre long stretch of mall at Chermside. Pity I'm broke, I could really sign up for some of the material possessions around here. But poverty keeps me honest, and I've thought it a better idea to stay at home and practice yoga and play facebook than to wander about with no money in a consumer paradise. I'm waiting for the phone to ring, but it never seems to ring. I call people and remind them to call me, but no one ever calls me. It's so frustrating. I reckon if I hadn't been practicing the yoga I would have spazzed out and killed someone by now.
Since arriving here we have celebrated my little cousin Jack's birthday and Tom's cousin Sue's birthday. Both of these events have allowed us to catch up with the sprawling clans that we both have up here. It is particularly pleasant for me, and I don't have any contact with my family usually, and so, bonds are forged, similarities noticed, differences acknowledged, smiles shared.
The nature of happiness isn't always that life is kind to you and it then bubbles up from within. It's sometimes that you force a smile and then pretending to be happy becomes happiness.
On the Japan front: we have put in applications for ECC and JET for 2008. We have an interview arranged for ECC in February. We haven't heard back from JET yet, but it shouldn't be too long before we'll know if we've been successful in getting through to the interview round.
Brisbane will never be a long term home for me. The weather is too awful. Humid, humid, humid, damp, mouldy, damp, not to mention hot. My wardrobe consists of long slacks, woolen suits, fluffy coats, thick socks, cardigans, hats, gloves and scarves. I don't have any clothes for this kind of heat! I have had to buy a couple of cheap cotton bits to adapt - but I don't think I will ever feel at home in a pair of shorts and a boob tube. I just wasn't brought up that way!
And so, like most new comers in a foreign land, and believe me, Brisbane is foreign - we have been swinging violently between love and hate with our new home.
I love the animals - so big and they seem to be everywhere. I hate the animals - cockroaches and cane toads!
I love the weather - booming lightning storms and gentle evenings. I hate the weather - too hot! Too wet!
I love the family life - it's nice to get to know these cousins and uncles. I hate the family life - I'm just not used to living with oldies.
I love it. I hate it. I don't know. It's not forever, I keep telling myself, and sometimes I think that's all that keeps me from going completely bananas. Hopefully my ship comes in and I'll get some work that is appropriate for me, and I'll get a new perspective on the place.
I miss my friends a lot - Laurel, Rachel, Andrew, Pip, Maddy, Michelle, David... amongst so many others. I haven't met any people from Brisbane yet. I've only hung out with some ex-pats like Monte and Emma. It would be good to be able to get out a bit more and meet some new people, but I haven't seen anyone who looks like my kind of fun yet. Everyone looks a bit white bread to me, so far. Maybe I need to find a bigger paddling pool to find some more fun people? Well, we'll see. We're going to be house sitting this weekend in near the city, so we might actually get the opportunity to get out and about a bit.
One step forward... hopefully one of many...